“In our distance, there is no sorrow” Yukio Shiba × WKAT producers ×F/T interns round table talk – Shiba Yukio’s theatre from now on @Taiwan
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(左から山本 茉惟、林 美沙希、小林 春菜、グンナレ 更、柴 幸男)
柴 幸男 Yukio Shiba
「青年団」演出部所属、「急な坂スタジオ」レジデント・アーティスト、「多摩美術大学演劇 舞踊デザイン学科」専任講師。日本大学藝術学部在学中に『ドドミノ』で第2回仙台劇のまち戯曲賞を受賞。2010年に『わが星』で第54回岸田國士戯曲賞を受賞。
近年は、レパートリー作品の全国ツアーや地方公共ホールとの共同製作、新作児童劇の創作や国際芸術祭への参加など、東京以外の活動も多い。アートスペースを併設したレストハウス(休憩所)である「象の鼻テラス」(横浜)では、パブリックスペースという特徴を生かし、流れる人と時間をそのまま劇中に取り込んだ作品創作『Theater ZOU-NO-HANA』を2013年-2015年にかけて継続的に行った。また、2013年・2016年には「瀬戸内国際芸術祭」に参加し、小豆島(香川県)で滞在制作を敢行。島民や観光客を巻き込み、《その時、その場所で、その人たちとしかできない演劇》を生み出した。その後、小豆島での活動は継続して行っており、2015年7月には代表作である『わが星』を小豆島高校体育館特別ステージにて上演した。
荒川真由子 Mayuko Arakawa
宮永琢生 Takuo Miyanaga
落雅季子 Makiko Ochi
第一章: みなさまの近況編

柴:だから1週間前とかに21時の回を予約する人は少ないけど、近づいてくると行けそうだから行く! っていう人が行きやすい時間だったのかな。特に金曜なんかは21時の方がむしろ混む感じで、面白い動向でした。実験的なタイムスケジュールだったんですけどね。
第二章: 台湾のお土産話とこれからのお話編

(柴 幸男)
落:新田さん(台湾のコーディネーター)と前に台北芸大の話をしていた時、東京芸術劇場のシアターイースト、シアターウエストみたいに隣り合ってふたつの劇場が存在しているのは、世界中で東京の池袋と台湾だけですよ! とおっしゃっていました。
日本版『WKAT』の現場のときに、役者の方たちとディスカッションしながら進めていたことが印象的だったんですが、それは台湾で創作するときにもそうでしたか? それとも作り方は違いましたか?

落:それは新しい考えですね。やはり、日本と台湾のような遠くの誰かと創作する中でそういう考えに至ったという訳ですか? 前はあまり映像には興味なかったですもんね?
柴:たぶん台湾っていうのもあると思いますね。僕、日本で日本人の映画つくれって言われてもそんなにつくりたいとは思わないんです。たぶん僕自身が日本人の顔を巨大なスクリーンで観たくないんですよ。『アベンジャーズ/インフィニティ・ウォー』とかが観たいんですよ(笑)。ロバウト・ダウニー・Jrとかスカーレット・ヨハンソンとかは巨大なスクリーンで観たいですけど。僕の育った環境などによる偏った考えです。映画は、よその文化のものを巨大なスクリーンで観るっていう印象がすごく強いんですよね。映画って、絵として綺麗とか、かっこいいとか、醜いとか、そういう力が必要で、それを僕がつくるとしたら、普段つくっている演劇作品とは全く違う美学とかモチベーションがないとできない。単純に演劇つくってるから映画も撮りましょうという気持ちにはならないですね。あ! でもアニメだったら興味があります! でも台湾の俳優、台湾の風景を使ってお話を作ってそれをパッケージングして日本で上映することは、僕が日本の観客だったら観たいって思うかもしれない。そこには知らない風景が映ってるし、知らない俳優たちが映ってるし、それをわざわざ映像で記録して観る意味があるなって感じます。それだったら作品作れるんじゃないかなという予感がありますね。そうだな……邦画よりは海外映画が好きなんですよね。

柴:いやあ、「都会」ですね~! 東京に似ているというかニューヨークでもいいんですけど、いわゆる首都だったかな。ただその狭間に台湾っぽさ、台北らしさがあると感じました。ビルだけ見たらやっぱりどこの都市も変わらない感じに見えるけど、台南はビルもあまりなかったので。
荒:私もそれ思ってました! なんでパンが多いんだろうって。
落:日本の人には見に来てほしいですか? 誰に一番見て欲しい?
柴:まずは、演出家が日本人かどうかは関係がないというか、日本人が演出していることが気にならないような作品になったら嬉しいなと思ってます。『我的星球』で高校生と創作した時も、これ日本人が演出したの? って思われたいな、と稽古中にふと思いましたね。高校生が現地の言葉で生き生きすればするほど、日本人が演出したことが不思議になったはずだから、不思議に思って欲しいな、と思いました。日本人が演出してそれがある種エキセントリックに見えるというか、あ、こういうのは台湾の文脈になくて、ユニークだ、とか面白いな、とかそういうのは別に思ってほしくないっていうか。
柴 幸男×WKAT制作陣×F/T17インターズ座談会は以上となります。
しかし! 『わたしが悲しくないのはあなたが遠いから』はまだまだ続きます! 柴 幸男さんとスタッフ陣の実験の続きをぜひ台湾でもご覧ください。
『わたしが悲しくないのはあなたが遠いから』台湾公演 公演情報
台北芸術祭(臺北藝術節/Taipei Arts Festival)
『我並不哀傷 是因為你離我很遠(わたしが悲しくないのはあなたが遠いから)』
國立臺北藝術大學 展演藝術中心 戲劇廳/舞蹈廳
2018年9月28日[金] - 30日[日]
おまけ インターンズ近況編
柴:シビウ ?

(写真左から山本 茉惟、林 美沙希、小林 春菜、グンナレ 更)
いかがでしょう?F/Tでのインターンが終わった後、表でも裏でも、演劇業界に残る人もいれば違う世界に飛び出す人もいます。でも確実に半年 間F/Tでインターンをしたことは私たちの出発点で、インターンをする前と今では見えている景色が全く違います。もしも迷っている人がいれば、ぜひ一歩を踏み出して欲しいなと思います。これにてF/T17インターンズの活動も最後となります。これまで応援してくださった皆さま、ありがとうございました。
“In our distance, there is no sorrow” Yukio Shiba × WKAT producers ×F/T interns roundtable talk
– Shiba Yukio’s theatre from now on @Taiwan
It has been more than half a year since “In our distance, there is no sorrow(『わたしが悲しくないのはあなたが遠いから』)” (from here referred to as WKAT), Festival/Tokyo 2017’s main program successfully closed in October last year. Putting the performance simultaneously on both Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre, Theatre East and Theatre West, WKAT was a big theatrical experiment. We, the four interns that were assigned to this production have all now graduated from the internship program and are all taking steps towards our future careers. The WKAT production team is also taking their next step: preparing for the upcoming performance in Taipei in September this year.
It was on the 2nd of May in the middle of Golden week, a national holiday in Japan, that Yukio Shiba, the WKAT producers, and F/T interns held our roundtable talk in the middle of Tokyo. A mixture of pleasantries and WKAT Taipei production plans were exchanged over coffee. Some of the details of which are baked into this article. Please enjoy the read!

From the left, Mai Yamamoto, Misaki Hayashi, Haruna Kobayashi, Sara Gunnare and Yukio Shiba
Yukio Shiba
Born in Aichi prefecture, Japan in 1982. A member of the Seinendan directors team, a Steep Slope Studio residence artist, and a teacher at Tama Art University Department of Scenography Design, Drama, and Dance. During his study at Nihon University College of Art he was awarded the Sendai City of Theatre Drama Award with “Dodomino(『ドドミノ』)”. Then in 2010, awarded with the 54th Kishida Prize for Drama with “My Planet”. Yukio Shiba depicts our world from a new perspective in his works: In “Hanpukukatsurenzoku(『反復かつ連続』)”, Yukio looped a solo play to act out a large family; In “Ayumi(『あゆみ』)”, actors did not stop walking during the entire piece; In “My Planet(『わが星』)”, Yukio used rap to create a musical; In “Asagaaru(『朝がある』” a moment of a morning was taken out and turned into a solo play. In recent years, Yukio Shiba has worked outside of Tokyo a lot for the tour of his repertoire pieces, co-productions with local theatres, the creation of a children’s play, and participation to international theatre festivals. In 2013-2015, Yukio Shiba continuously staged “Theater ZOU-NO-HANA” at ZOU-NO-HANA TERRACE (Yokohama), a rest house with an attached art space. Yukio printed into his works people passing by and the time running through the space, making the most of the characteristics of the venue as a public space. In 2013 and 2016, Yukio Shiba participated in “Setouchi Triennale”, he created a residence piece in Shōdo Island. By inviting in locals of the Island and tourists, he created “A theatre that could be performed only at the exact moment, with the place and the people”. He stays active on Shōdo Island even after, and in 2015, he staged one of his most important works “My planet(『わが星』)” at Shōdo Island high school sports hall. His plays are available online for free on the mamagoto web site (www.mamagoto.org).
Mayuko Arakawa
A producer at Festival Tokyo. Started her career as a freelance theatre producer in 2010 during her study at university. From small theatre space to commercial theatre, she participated in a variety of theatre productions as a theatre producer, or an assistant producer. In 2012, she helped performances in an art space “Izayoi Yoshidamachi Studio”. From 2013, she was on the KAAT theatre management team. She has been working in the current position as theatre producer of Festival/Tokyo since 2014.
Takuo Miyanaga
Born in 1981, Tokyo. A producer of mamagoto theatre group. He is also the master of mamagoto café, at Sakatekou, Shodo Island (currently taking leave from this position). Organizer of a producing unit ZuQnZ. Worked as a producer in Seinendan, Oriza Hirata’s theatre company, and started up theatre company mamagoto in 2009 together with Yukio Shiba, a playwright/director. In recent years, he has been actively producing performances that explore the relationship with the audience using public spaces or other types of venues.
Makiko Ochi
Born in 1983, Tokyo. Organizer of LittleSophy, a collective of theatre critics and creators. She worked as a judge for CoRich! theatre festival in 2014 and 2016. She writes for various magazines and website as a theatre critic and interviewer. Even before the launch of the theatre company mamagoto, she has had an eye on Yukio Shiba’s talent, and since 2013, she has been writing reports about mamagoto’s works every year in Shōdo Island and Yokohama.
F/T interns (Mai Yamamoto, Misaki Hayashi, Haruna Kobayashi, Sara Gunnare)
The interns participated in the internship program held by Festival/Tokyo 17 as part of its training program, who were assigned to “In our distance, there is no sorrow”. During the internship, interns were in charge of the WKAT website and supported the theatre company during and before the festival.
Part 1 Catching Up
The roundtable talk has begun! The talk starts off with a brief catch up session on each other’s lives as it has been 6 months since the closing of WKAT.

From the left, Yamamoto, Hayashi, Mayuko Arakawa, Makiko Ochi and Shiba
It has been half a year since the closing of WKAT. What have you been up to recently? What are you planning to do from now on?
Yukio: I spent over two months in Tainan from the beginning of February to April to re-create “Our Planet(『わたしの星』)” in Taiwan. I am going to stay in Taipei for the “WKAT” creation as well, so this year I will be living in Taiwan for four full months.
Makiko: So after “Our Planet” in Taiwan, you created “Tour(『ツアー』)” straight away, presenting it in ST spot? Did you write “Tour” after you came back to Japan from Tainan?
Yukio: Yes, exactly. I made the piece after I returned to Japan. Actually, I made the piece in about 10 days and performed it for about 10 days as well.
Sara: There were performances starting from 21:00, right?
Makiko: I heard many people enjoyed the performances starting at 21:00 on weekdays.
Yukio: Yes, it was received positively. Not so many people bought tickets in advance for the performance though. But I believe 21:00 was practical for audiences to come on the day ticket. Many people bought tickets on the day before or on the same day. From my personal experience, performances that start from 19:00 or 19:30 in Yokohama are always very hectic and stressful for audiences. Most people do not have time to eat before, and they end up watching the show whilst being very hungry. Also after the performances end around 21:00, audiences have to wonder whether they should eat dinner in Yokohama or should go home straight, and I don’t like this at all. That’s why I thought if we present performances at 21:00, late enough for audiences to enjoy dinner before our performance starts, we would receive positive reactions.
everyone: Oh I see.
Yukio: So, it was not so many people who booked tickets one week before, but maybe a 21:00 performance was easier for the people who weren’t sure if they could make it or not in advance, but actually ended up having the time to come and see it on the day. It was an experimental time schedule and was very interesting. Especially on Fridays, 21:00 performances were more fully seated than any other of the performances.
Makiko: 45 minutes is quite short for a performance duration. Was it also part of your experiment?
Yukio: Yes, we were first discussing the play to be about 30 min, but we weren’t sure if people would come the whole way to Yokohama just to see a 30 minute production. So, it ended up being 45 minutes after all.
Makiko: You are really active and fully operational in both Taiwan and Japan!
Yukio: What have you been up to, Mayuko?
Mayuko: I am preparing for Festival/Tokyo 18 that is coming up this autumn. This year, the festival is bringing in a variety of pieces from both inside and outside Japan. Outdoor performances are happening as well. We are creating works with many different artists, so I have a lot of fun. Also, besides those works, I am thinking about starting a project where I can try to pass something on to coming generations. I want to create a society that is easy for the next generation to live in, a society based on a more flexible and diverse way of thinking. I am dreaming vaguely about supporting it from the field of Art.
Yukio: How about you, Takuo?
Takuo: I am gradually preparing to move to Shōdo Island. Next year, “Setouchi Triennale” is going to be held again, so I am thinking about producing a new project as mamagoto to take part in that. I am not sure if it is even possible yet though.
Yukio: And you? Makiko?
Makiko: I am certain about continuing with writing theatre reviews. I want to stay active, communicating with aspiring young critics, creators, staff in various ways, trying to create a new style of being a theatre critic. I want to stay in contact with theatre through writing.
Part 2 About Taiwan and what is coming up next
In this part, we are finally about to hear about the Taiwan version of “In our distance, there is no sorrow”.

Yukio Shiba
So when exactly are you going to Taiwan? In which month?
Yukio: From the beginning of August. The performance will be at the end of September, so I will stay in Taiwan for over two months, in the summer.
Sara: Where about in Taiwan this time?
Yukio: In Taipei. There are two theatres in Taipei arts university, a public top art university in Taiwan like Tokyo Art University in Japan, with both a Theatre and Drama department. The two theatres are located right next to each other, one is for theatrical performances, and the other one for dance and concerts. I went to see them two or three times with Mayuko and Takuo.
Sara: Do they differ much from each other in terms of design?
Yukio: Yes, they are. The theatre one is closer to a black-box theatre, so you can create a seating plan to surround the stage if you wish. On the other hand, the other one, made for concerts is a traditional proscenium theatre space. I am not really sure about the seating plan of my production yet, but the distance between the two theatres are just the same as between the Tokyo Metropolitan Theatres’ Theatre East and Theatre West. In between the theatre, there is a courtyard and the theatres have very intriguing architecture. Also, the location of Taipei Art University itself is just excellent. It is located on top of a hill, and all art departments like fine arts and music are gathered into one campus. It is really an amazing place.
Mayuko: The university is like a community in itself.
Yukio: Exactly. There is an art museum, cafes, restaurants, and even a residential place, where artists and guests can stay. The university itself is like a big park. Citizens can enter the space as well, so it is a very cozy and open environment. I went to different places before deciding where to stage, but Taipei university seemed like the most pleasant place for creation, so I said “I want to perform here.”
Makiko: It is very important for WKAT to be staged in two theatres next to each other, right?
Yukio: The only place that fulfilled that requirement was the Taipei art university as well.
Makiko: When I was talking with Yukio Nitta (the Taiwan coordinator) about The Taipei arts university, he insisted that the only places that you can find theatres right next door to each other like The Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre’s Theatre East and Theatre West, are Tokyo and Taiwan.
Yukio: That’s true. I was worried that I might only be able to stay at the university’s residency while my performance is running, but after some discussion, it turns out I can stay there for the whole two months, so that’s good too.
Was there anything you noticed more difficult about creating theatre in Taiwan rather than in Japan?
Yukio: During rehearsals, if I had problems, I really had to inspect whether that problem was caused by a “fault in direction” or a “fault in the actors” or a “fault with the writing”. For example, in Japanese, we use “eh” as a verbal exclamation on many occasions, like when we are surprised, or disagree with something. We agree, on the other hand, with “eeh”, a longer sounding version of the same sound as well. I use this “eh” sound a lot in my dialogue. The Taiwanese actors really tried hard to read this sound as I have written it in the text, but they ended up sounding very awkward. Especially the “eh?” indicating surprise, Taiwanese actors performed this very poorly. I asked them why and they told me that Taiwanese does not use the same exclamation when they are surprised, instead using something more like“ha” or “haa.”. So that was why they struggled with the sound. This is a problem with my writing, so by simply changing “eh” into “ha” this problem was easily solved. Just like in this case, every time something occurred, I had to carefully inspect what was wrong. It was difficult in the beginning and it was very time consuming as well. But as I got used to it, I started to become aware of when a problem was with the actors or with my writing. This process was very interesting to me.
It was very interesting how you discussed a lot with actors throughout the creation process of WKAT in Japan. Did you have discussions with actors a lot in Taiwan as well? Or did you go through a different kind of creative process?
Yukio: Well, it did not really become like a discussion in Taiwan. Let’s say 10 people gather and talk about one theme. In Taiwan, if one of the actors, person A, says something in Chinese, everyone else other than me can understand what this person has said. I need the time to listen to the translation of the conversations and then reply to that, so there is always a delay in communication. Thus, appropriate participation in a discussion is impossible. In other words, because of the extra step of translation the conversation needs to go through, a speedy exchange of ideas does not happen. So the kind of “strategy meeting” we had with Japanese actors was difficult to do. It is very difficult to make happen if people are not communicating in their native tongue. It always results in one party leading the other, and they have to wait until the other group catches up with them. Also if the discussion becomes heated among Taiwanese actors, non-Taiwanese speakers are left out. Therefore I have to think of some new creative process for my creations in Taiwan. An open discussion felt rather slow there. So I guess I really have to consider something new.
Did your creation method change through your journey in Taipei?
Yukio: The making process itself did not change much I think.
Makiko:”Our Planet” premiered and was re-created in Japan, so the Taiwan version was your third time creating this piece. What did you find new? Was there even any change in the first place?
Yukio: How to re-create “Our Planet” by using previous parts of the story was very organized already in my head. I believe I gained self-confidence that I can create this piece with any high school students indiscriminate of their background. Also, it was fun writing a piece when it is guaranteed to be translated. It is usually a very embarrassing moment for me when a Japanese actor speaks out my Japanese lines for the first time in a rehearsal since they are unfiltered fresh words, just as I have written, you know. I do not like hearing it, it embarrasses me a lot. I believe anyone who has written a play can relate to this, the first reading is always painful for a playwright. Lines that come out too direct make me want to rewrite them into something subtler and I also think about how I can express something without being cliche. Let’s say I write “I love you” and an actor says “I love you”, it is very embarrassing to write this phrase in Japanese but it was easy to write “I love you” for the “Our planet” Taiwan production. I mean, my lines will become a different language, right? Then the details of the sentence are very dependent on the translator I think. That’s why I do not think too much about choosing words and phrases anymore.
Makiko: So you find it fun that your work being translated?
Yukio: Yes, it is great fun!
Makiko: So you are not really picky about little details or nuances when your work go through translation?
Yukio: No, I think I have never said anything about how my work is to be translated. I remember I asked actors to repeat a phrase because the translated pronunciation sounded interesting. The good thing about works being translated is that before the lines are spoken by actors, there is one more step, translation, so I do not have to think too much about the details of the line. It is pointless for me to put too much thought into this as the rhythm of the lines will be changed anyway after translation. If my writings were to be spoken out as they are, I care deeply about the lines, but if they go through translation anyway, I do not need to care too much about the sound. A translator will do the job, I just need to finish my writing. However, if I am going to stage it in Japanese again, I will rewrite the Japanese script for that though.
In last year’s interview, you said: “My work will not work if it is just translated”. Did this change?
Yukio: It hasn’t changed much. My work functions with the direction and text as a pair. This WKAT for example, the most important essence of this work is how this production is performed in two different theatres simultaneously. It is written in the stage direction how to stage this play in that way, but still, it is possible that other directors than me might choose to stage this play differently. So, I am afraid that only reading my script is not enough to tell what I am intending to do as a result of the performance. My play is more like a plan rather than a literature piece I think. Also, my plan is made to fit perfectly for my use, so my play often lacks a description for other people to use. If I can stage a play once and document that on the script, it would be great I think. I should try to document my productions more.
WKAT is a play about distance, how did living in a place far away from Japan to create “Our Planet” affect your ideas about distance?
Yukio: I care less about Japan when I am away than when I am actually present in Japan of course. When I was in Taiwan, an earthquake hit Hualien, North East from where I was staying in Tainan. It was really interesting for me to observe what kind of distance Tainan people felt for Hualien’s earthquake.
Makiko: Did you ask actors something related to the earthquake?
Yukio: I asked high school students “Do you have any acquaintances or relatives in Hualien?” but nobody said yes. There were not so many of them who had been there before. So after talking for a bit, we did a usual rehearsal on that day as well.
Makiko: For the students, the earthquake did seem real?
Yukio: Yes, it seemed like it. Japanese people, on the other hand, asked me if I was okay in Taiwan when the earthquake happened. Tainan, where I stayed and Hualien is distance-wise as far as between Fukuoka prefecture and Kagoshima prefecture in Kyushu. It is like worrying over a person in Kagoshima when an earthquake hits Fukuoka. So I always responded that I was totally okay to those who worried about me, but it made me realize the fact that it is difficult for them to imagine that I am in Tainan, and the earthquake happened in Hualien. They only know vaguely that an earthquake hit Taiwan. It was a very weird feeling. In Tainan, the earthquake was on the news every day, but it disappeared eventually from there. People in Tainan were, of course, caring about the situation, but still, they continued their daily chores like eating while listening to the news. Though a tragedy happens within a country, if it is too far away in distance, they can’t really do anything. It is exactly the same as Japan.

From the left, Makiko Ochi and Shiba
Is this Taiwan version WKAT going to be something very different from the Japanese version?
Yukio: I am thinking about that actually. I believe I will rewrite the script again after all.
Makiko: So, will the structure remain? The audience hopes to see the whole picture by going to both to theatre A and theatre B, but what they see in theatre B is just a theatre A’.
Yukio: I am not really sure about that. The play has already been produced as a work once, so creating a B could be something. But I don’t know how I can create a B with the same 60 minute song and 10 actors. I might be able to create it now. I could get rid of the situation where audiences will never be able to see the B.
Makiko: So it means the production is going to change drastically.
Yukio: Yes.
Makiko: Is it something you thought after you staged the production once in Tokyo?
Yukio: Yes. I already made a version in Tokyo that the protagonist cannot reach because of the distance, I am hopeful that I can create a new version of the story in Taiwan. I know now how the story would look without the B. This time I want the stories A and B to relate to each other.
Makiko: In the Taiwan version, both two sides of the story might be revealed?
Yukio: Yes, I think the fact that the script will be translated is a great chance that I otherwise might not have had. I might be able to write something I cannot write were it to be is staged directly with my own words in Japanese.
Is this work coming back to Japan?
Yukio: Last year WKAT was staged in two different theatres in Japan. This year it will be staged in two different theatres in Taiwan. So in my plan, I want to stage the third production in both Taiwan and Japan at the same time.
Makiko: Does that mean you want to stage the works simultaneously in a Japanese theatre and a Taiwanese theatre next?
Yukio: Yes exactly. On the same day, at the same time. But, I am not sticking with theatre and theatre combination. It could be like a mixture of movie and theatre. One could be closer to a movie and the other could be closer to a theatre, and both will be performed at the same time. If they are both theatrical pieces, it is impossible for actors performing in Japan to appear on stage in Taiwan in order to make actors the same throughout the play. But, with the same 10 people, if one of the production is a movie, and the other one is a theatre, the 10 actors can appear in both productions at the same time.
Makiko: That is a new idea. Is this something you came up with while working with people from far away, as people in Taiwan? I remember you were not so interested in a movie before.
Yukio: It could be because of Taiwan. If I was told to make a movie with Japanese actors in Japan, I would not be excited. I do not want to see Japanese faces on a big screen. I want to see “Avengers: Infinity War” or something. I want to see Robert Downey, Jr. or Scarlett Johansson on the big screen. This is a very biased view that I developed through my upbringing, but for me, movies are something where I can consume cultures from abroad through the big screen. Movies need forces very different from theatres to create a piece, like beautiful images, cool images or ugly images. So if I will make a movie I need to have different aesthetics or motivations for creation. It doesn’t work like “I am creating theatre, so shall I create a movie!”. Oh, but if it is an anime, I am interested to create. However, if I create a story by using Taiwanese actors in Taiwanese scenarios, maybe Japanese audiences might be interested. At least if I was an audience, I would be, because the movie will show sceneries and actors that I have never known before, and that is something worthwhile to document as a video and watch. In that way, I might be able to create a piece. After all, I like movies abroad better than domestic movies created in Japan.
Mai: Is it because of the imagery?
Yukio: It could be. But I liked “The Story of Yonosuke (2013)”, it was entertaining. I liked the scenes from the past more than the ones depicting the present.
Makiko: It means if Yukio is going to shoot a movie, you need some sort of filter.
Yukio: Yes I believe so. I think I want some kind of fiction in it. The scenery in Taiwan could be a filter. Taiwanese actors could be one as well. In my sense, I don’t think I can create a good fictional story if it is set in contemporary Tokyo.
Makiko: Is it because you are now living in Tokyo?
Yukio: Yes, I believe that is one of the reasons. If I was not living in Tokyo I would totally be able to find fiction in Tokyo as well. If I was living in the countryside, the scenery of Tokyo is not something I can see often.
Makiko: How about Shōdo Island or other countryside cities?
Yukio: It is a possibility, visualizing a story about the countryside. I would make visual art of the things I wouldn’t be able to see often.
Is there any country you want to visit for your creation?
Yukio: I am interested in Asia, so I want to explore there.
Makiko: So you are not particularly interested in Europe?
Yukio: Europe… It is far away. I have been there on holiday, but it is really far for me, at least for me personally. Maybe I have like an Asian complex towards Europe. Maybe it is a discriminatory or prejudice but that is why I consume western movies and grow my Asian complex even deeper.
Makiko: So you don’t think about shooting a movie in Europe?
Yukio: I have never thought about that.
Makiko: Your interest lies more in Asia?
Yukio: At the moment, creating a movie together with Europeans does not sound like a realistic idea to me. I believe it is because I create my works strongly based on “Japaneseness” or “Asianess”. Also, I appreciate art strongly based on that as well. My work is very much based on Japanese culture and rhythm of Japanese. Right now I do not know what I should create in Europe, and I do not think my work would be appreciated well in Europe either. But this is all that I feel like now, so I might change my mind in near future.

From the left, Sara Gunnare, Mai Yamamoto, Misaki Hayashi, and Yukio Shiba
What are you looking forward to Taipei?
Yukio: I am looking forward to my stay in Taipei Arts university. Also, I went to Tainan only for “Our Planet”, so I’m very curious how Taipei is as a city.
Makiko: What is your first impression of the city?
Yukio: It is really a city! Kind of similar to Tokyo, or New York, a very capital city like feeling. But there was certainly this Taiwan characteristic as well. If you only look at buildings, any city looks kind of the same, but Taipei did not have those tall buildings.
Makiko: Is food good in Taiwan?
Yukio: Yes, it is delicious!
Makiko: Then, food is something you look forward to as well!
Yukio: In Taiwan, it seems to be really common to eat breakfast out, and I enjoyed it a lot. In Taipei, people eat rice porridge or dumplings from mornings. I am especially fond of Tofu rice porridge. It is like mashed warm tofu. It sounds not so appealing if I describe it like that, but it is tasty. They eat it together with Zha Cai. But in Tainan, people don’t eat that kind of food much: bread, like sandwiches and hamburgers, are more common for breakfast.
Mayuko: I realized that too! Why do they have bread a lot?
Yukio: Right? I do not know why but there was a lot of good hamburger shops, and I enjoyed that.
Sara: So it is exactly like what you depicted in WKAT, writing the differences between the West and East of Japan like Osaka and Tokyo. Are you going to write that kind of differences in Taiwan version as well?
Yukio: Actually I am thinking I want to write about the South and the North of Taiwan.
Makiko: So in Tokyo production is was “Seiko(West)” and “Touko(East)”, is it going to be like Southerny and Northeny?
Yukio: I am thinking of something like that. I was talking with Yukio Nitta about that from last year. I asked, “In Japan, the division is between the West and East, but how about in Taiwan?”. He told me that in Taiwan, the river divides the South and North of the Island, so south and north is the difference. In Japan, the Fuji mountain makes the division, in Taiwan, the river serves kind of the same role. People in the south use Taiwanese Hokkien and the people are more laid back. Southerners say Tainan is a better city because of that.
Makiko: what language do Taipei people speak?
Yukio: Taiwanese Mandarin.
How do you advertise your production in Taiwan?
Yukio: Facebook was very influential in Taiwan. Also, they do pre-talk often. No matter if it is a writer, a producer or an actor, they reserve a gallery or cafe, preparing small desserts and do a talk in which they introduce their work, or themselves for like an hour to two with questions afterward.
Makiko: So, Taiwanese come to those events and gather information?
Yukio: There is no culture in Taiwan of distributing flyers to audiences like we do in Japan, so they do not read flyers much. Flyers are only placed in theatres or arty bookstores. So, they find out about performances in events like those gallery talks. If Yukio Nitta’s company is going to perform in Taipei, he usually holds talk events 10 to 20 times prior to the performances. It wasn’t that casual, but still, people came.
Please give a comment for the audiences who come from Japan to Taiwan to see the production, and audiences in Taiwan in general.
Yukio: Will there be audiences from Japan?
Makiko: Do you want Japanese people to come to see? Whom do you want to see the performance?
Yukio: Taiwanese locals of course. It is presented in Taiwanese Mandarin as well.
Makiko: So there are no surtitles?
Yukio: There should be an English surtitle, and I’m considering Japanese as well. But, I want the Taiwanese to watch it the most.
Makiko: For Taiwanese audiences, there will be a filter like “this piece is made in Taiwan by a Japanese director”. What do you want the audience to bring back from your work?
Yukio: First of all, I want the work to be something that people can forget is directed by a Japanese director. When I was creating “Our Planet” with high schoolers, I wanted people to think “Is it really directed by a Japanese person?”. The more high school students shine with their local language, the more it becomes unbelievable that the work is directed by a Japanese person, so I wanted that to happen. I don’t want people to think that this is new in Taiwan, it is very eccentric or that we do not have this context in Taiwan.
Makiko: So you want Taiwanese people to appreciate your work naturally as a production made in Taiwan?
Yukio: Yes I want them to see my work that way.
Makiko: So like watching your piece, people would say “oh it was directed by a Japanese person?”
Yukio: Yes, I want people to think like that. Stepping in a bit further to the topic, I am returning to my initial motivation for creating theatre, from the very beginning of my career, simply I want to make people surprised. For example, using two theatre spaces, making a play according to music, two plays that are staged simultaneously etc.
Makiko: So the piece will change a lot.
Yukio: I believe so. If the venue and actors change, it always changes. The backbone of the story would not change a lot, but just as I created “Our Planet” with plenty of rewriting process, I want to go through the same kind of creative process. I simply want to make people surprised, and interested. I want to find something I want to tell audiences in Taiwan, and add it to the story itself as well.
Did you enjoy this interview? Did we manage to tell you how experiments are made for the next Taiwan version of “In our distance, there is no sorrow”? This is the end of Yukio Shiba × WKAT producers ×F/T interns roundtable talk. However! The “In our distance, there is no sorrow” project is still an ongoing production. Please enjoy the continuation of Yukio Shiba and Staffs’ theatrical experiments in Taiwan!
“In our distance, there is no sorrow” Taiwan performance detail
Taipei Arts Festival
“In our distance, there is no sorrow”
Taipei National University of the Arts TNUA Experimental Theatre/ TNUA Dance Theatre
Friday 28th September 2018 – Sunday 30th September 2018
Written and directed by Yukio Shiba
Updates about interns
This is for you someone who is curious about what F/T interns do after the festival. We will introduce what we are currently up to.
Sara: So, I am thinking about introducing our career plan after graduation from the F/T internships. Hmm… who should we start with…? Maybe clockwise, from Misaki!
Misaki: Oh, I am just doing plain job hunting.
Yukio: Are you in the senior year of university?
Misaki: Yes, I am applying to companies that do theatre as well, but mostly other businesses.
Makiko: I was in a different industry than theatre for almost 8 years as well.
Misaki: Oh, really?
Yukio: Are you applying to career track positions?
Misaki: Yes, I am looking for a career track position with transfer all over Japan. But my job hunting will be over soon. I am now thinking about how I will spend my last half year of student life.
Yukio: Are you writing a thesis? What is your theme?
Misaki: I am thinking of a thesis about theatre.
Yukio: I see. I am teaching seniors at Tama Art University, so I understand.
Misaki: How about you, Mai?
Mai: I have an interest in the entertainment industry, and I am majoring in media, so I want to work in this industry. Working as an intern at F/T made this feeling stronger.
Yukio: I understand.
Mai: Yeah that’s it about it for me. How about you, Sara?
Sara: I will go to Romania, with Makiko.
Yukio: What?
Makiko: For a theatre festival.
Yukio: Sibiu?
Sara: Exactly, as a volunteer.
Yukio: Wait, are you a student?
Sara: Yes I am. All interns here are students.
Yukio: Will you get enough credits?
Sara: I have to take some more credits, but I talked with professors about my absence.
Yukio: How about your job hunting?
Sara: I am not really doing that. I am currently working as an assistant producer for a part-time. I might do acting in fall as well.
Yukio: You will be on stage?
Sara: I feel like I am doing very different things all mixed together… How about you, Haruna?
Haruna: I am not doing job hunting either. I am making costumes, so I want to work for someone. My professor for a seminar is a costume designer, and she told me that I need to know how to sew. So, this year I am doing both a university student and a correspondence school for dressmaking student.

From the left Mai Yamamoto, Misaki Hayashi, Haruna Kobayashi, Sara Gunnare
Thank you for the read! This is the concluding activity of F/T 17 interns. Some of us will continue to work within theatre industry, some of us not, but the experience we got from this internship at F/T will help us a lot to guide us through our career after graduation. Thank you all of you for the warm support. Please continue to keep up with what will happen to “In our distance, there is no sorrow” in Taiwan!
Article written by Mai Yamamoto, Misaki Hayashi, Haruna Kobayashi, Sara Gunnare
Translated into English by Sara Gunnare, Nicholas Stedman Harris